Sunday, July 20, 2008

No more no neck

Well, we decided to upgrade our baby swing. It just didn't seem right to have Kate doing face plants into the tray, or to have us propping her up with a lot of blankets.

So, off to the crazy land of Babies R Us we went yesterday. What? Going into that beheamoth on a weekend? Yes. We were that nutz-oid.

We brought along Kate, and had her sit in various swings. People wanted to buy the swing she was in, if she came along with it.

Narrowed it down to two choices. Each had their benefits. One of the plusses of the one we got: "Minimal assembly", versus "Assembly required".

Got home, and turned on "The Deadliest Catch" marathon and Doug began the assembly process. Among the quotes heard:

"Deadliest Catch harrowing? THIS is harrowing"

"I almost lost a foot" (when a piece fell on his foot)

"Minimal assembly? They are liars. The Fischer Price people with their assembly required were more honest".

All said and done, the new swing is now put together. The mobile has what I am calling "Spotted Owls." After all, I am an Oregon gal!


marla said...

She looks much more cozy... and as always SO cute!!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the hilarious commentary. She looks like she is lovin' the new swing!

McMahan family said...

Kate is ADORABLE. Seriously. She has perfect features!

Is her paci sideways in the first picture? How funny!

We have a Graco swing, too. A different pattern (I actually like yours better) but the same thing, I think. That was Emma's favorite place to be for many weeks. Hope you enjoy it! Kate looks so cozy in it.