Friday, April 11, 2008

A little taste of heaven

Today it was very difficult to get out of bed. It's Friday. Our spring break begins next week, which makes it quite possibly the last school in the whole United States to have spring break. And while I had a blast at the baby shower yesterday, all that it entailed and getting home at 7pm was clearly a little bit too much for me to do.

So as I was getting around in sloooooooow mooootion today, I felt like a semi-truck (as I am feeling large these days) that had some sort of sludge build-up in the engine, causing it to only operate in 1st gear. And with lots of dead bugs splattered on the windshield.

I arrive at school, to find out that our principal ordered a portable latte cart to serve the faculty and staff this morning.

Now, with pregnancy, it's advised that you limit caffeine intake. I've been having 1-2 diet colas a week, but have completely eliminated coffee, basically because I'm an addict. It's a slippery slope from one 'normal' cup of coffee (6-8 oz), which would be acceptable, to 4+ 'normal' cups a day. I know I have very little self-control in this area, so it's been all or nothing.

Except for today. I figure that since the cart is only here this morning, the temptation is very limited. A single 8 oz. vanilla latte, please.

Oh, so tasty. I love this nectar of the gods. Drank every last foamy drop, savoring the coffee-flavored goodness it contained.

And now I think the semi-truck might make it into at least 3rd gear!

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