Thursday, December 6, 2007


Driving on I-5 today, just a mere mile from home, my windshield got hit with a rock. You know that sound. It makes you jump, and you look to see if you can tell where it hit.

Well, today there was no question where it hit. There was instantly a 'snowflake' about the size of a quarter eminating from the site of the hit.

I must admit. I am a rock chip magnate. You can see at least 5 other obvious sites where I've had this windshield repaired, and numerous other ones that are small enough you have to know where they are.

In going to the repair clinic, they were impressed that I came in right away, and congratulated me on my promptness. It was the type of ding that was guaranteed to spread. And, as we were to find out in the repair process, it was actually TWO rocks that hit at the same time.

Now that's rock-chip talent!

1 comment:

marla said...

Jill, You are the rock-chip queen! I'm scared to even say it... but as the flat tire queen... it's been a while... but I'm waiting, patiently waiting... kinda like my clumsiness and sprained ankles... I know it's coming, but WHEN!!