Thursday, December 6, 2007

I hate Verizon, part 4

It's probably not surprising that I didn't hear back from Verizon with regards to the email I sent them. I didn't even get the courtesy, "We have received your email and a customer service rep will be getting back to you", generic email.

So I buckled down, (would have taken a shot of alcohol if that wasn't frowned upon in pregnancy), and called them again today.

Phone call #1. Navigate the horrible phone maze system. Talk to someone, who needs to talk with someone else to confirm something with billing. Puts me on hold for "3-4 minutes". I agree to this, because what else can I do? The hold music even sucks as Verizon. It's tinney, comes in and out in waves, and doesn't even make a song you'd recognize.

And then, the call gets disconnected.

I am determined to get this taken care of.

Phone call #2. Navigate the horrible phone maze system. Get connected to someone who promises me "Excellent customer service." I try not to laugh derisively. I explain the short version of the problem, and he says something to the effect of, "No problem. I just credit that to your account."

"No, I don't think so," says I. "The person I talked to three weeks ago said the same thing, and it didn't happen. I want the money put back on my credit card or have a check written to me. I want my money."

"Okay," he says. "We'll get a check out to you."

"When can I expect it?"

"3-4 weeks."

"Are you kidding me? Your company is going to keep my money for nearly three months, over a charge that you mistakenly put on my account? That is horrible."

We went round and round like this for about another minute. But I settled for the check option, with a confirmation number.

And then he had the nerve (though it's probably off a script that he has to read) to ask, "So, did we provide you with excellent customer service today?"

"You did what you could, but I wouldn't call it excellent. Goodbye."

Still hating Verizon, but maybe this will all be resolved in 3-4 weeks.


Anonymous said...

Jill, is there a Verizon headquarters in Seattle? Not just a kiosk where they sell phones. but somewhere where the "big guns" work? I'll drive up (when they open I-5), I'll make the picket signs (I'm good at that), I'll call the police and learn the local rules of picketing (can you tell I've done this before),& we'll go picketing! I'll even bring the hot cocoa. Should have your money back in a couple hours, not 3-4 weeks!

Anonymous said...

Shall we start a pool on when the money will arrive, with all the money going to Jill if the amount isn't right or does't arrive within 4 weeks? If so I am in for five buck on three weeks and five days. Dad

Suzanne said...

I'm in on the pool. If Jill has the money by Christmas I'll buy lattes. I'm not sure how that compares to Dad's wager, but pretty certain it won't happen either way! :) (Sorry Jill.)