Monday, March 24, 2008

Pregnant Woman No-No

I did something today that I definitely shouldn't have done. Saw the warning signs and plunged on anyways.

A little back-story. A few years ago, one of the choir members from my church and his wife had a child. They knew going into the birth that the little boy had severe birth defects. Jeannie and Steve were very upfront in sharing their journey with us at church.

Well, Steve sent out an email this morning letting us know that had written a story about this part of their lives. Below is the link.

Even though I knew what I was getting into, I read it anyhow. And cried, and cried, and cried. May have (okay, let's be real, definitely would have) cried anyhow, but being pregnant definitely made it more intense. It's a beautiful story, but particularly heart-wrenching when you are expecting.

What was I thinking!


Suzanne said...

So of course I follow the link and now I'm a wreck. And I'm usually not a crier!

marla said...

WHY didn't I take the warning: pregnant women don't read... and of course I did it at work, right before clocking in... now I'm red and splotchy and have to go out to actually work... so silly. The story really reminds me of my friend Patti and her baby last year. So sad.

Anonymous said...

That story is heart-wrenching, so so sad yet so beautiful. Yes, I was crying too, still am - and I'm only the "pregnant grandma".

Anonymous said...

I am crying now, and feeling so thankful for the three wonderful perfect children we had.