Monday, January 14, 2008

Four days of boredom

I've begun a four day stretch of extreme boredom at work.

It's the end of the semester, so the students have three days to review for their exam. I gave them the review at the start of class today. Now it's up to them to get ready. Every now and then, a student will ask me a question during class. YES! Something to break up the monotony. And then I go back to trying to find something to do around the classroom.

Often I use this time to clean my classroom, but since I did that job last week, I'm left to doing things like posting to the blog-o-sphere.

The fourth day of boredom is when they have their actually exam. I'll be proctoring tests all morning. Which is slow and painful. You can't even really do something to fill the time, like read a book, because you're supposed to be monitoring the room for cheating.

It's weeks like these where I wish I was a fully-caffeinated person.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you considered writing all the possible baby names on the blackboard to see what they look like?