Monday, October 1, 2007

Red v. Blue

Nope. Not a discussion on democratic or republican politics.

Coffee creamer is the thought of the day. Liquid vanilla yummy-ness to be exact.

My preferred brand/flavor is International Delights. I know quickly which brand to buy at the store based on the color of the lid.

The down-fall of this brand, however, is that the lid gets some sort of super seal after the first few uses. So when you open it, it sprays a fine mist of creamer over anything within a 12 inch radius. A not-so-nice sticky mess.

Every now and then, though, I get the Coffee Mate brand (red lid)
Usually when it's on a good sale AND I have a coupon! The lid is much preferred from the anti-mess perspective.

Here's my moment of brilliance . . . the red lid fits on the blue container. So now I just wash off the red-one between containers and re-fit the blue creamer. No more messes with the creamer I like the most.


nro said...

genius! i was doing that with a very pretty lemonade plastic container for a while this summer, until it melted into a deformed shape in the dishwasher. oops.

Suzanne said...

I just came to post "genius," but Nikki beat me! What I hate is the mystery ring of creamer that ends up on the fridge shelf even when you don't notice the creamer is leaking.