Wednesday, September 19, 2007

If I were in charge of the world, part 1

I often use the phrase "If I were in charge of the world . . . ", followed up by "and CLEARLY I'm not!"

Here's a math example of how I use this phrase. The word "tangent" refers to both a trig function and a line that touches a curve at exactly one spot. Those two things are not related, yet use the same word.

So when teaching students, I say that "If I were in charge of the world . . . there would be two different words for these two different situations. Whoever was in charge of word choices with 'tangent' is not on my favorite person list."

On Tuesday, again I incanted the phrase "IIWICOTW" after visiting the dentist. Found out that two of my fillings need to be replaced. WHAT'S WITH THAT? IIWICOTW, if you've already gone through the agony and money have having a filling done, it should last for a lifetime. Not 10 years! What a bunch of bunk.

So next week I get two more hours in the dentist chair. Ugh. In my lifetime, I've spent a lot of time and money at the dentist, and it makes me feel like I have poor oral hygiene. Truly, I do brush and floss daily. So I blame genetics (sorry Mom and Dad). Didn't really have a fair start on this one.

Until later,

The one wishing she was in charge of the world. Sometimes.

1 comment:

danedy said...

I've given up my once-vibrant campaign for "benevolent dictator of the world." I decided that, although it would be good for the world, it would be very, very bad for my soul. I'd vote for you, though!