Friday, September 21, 2007


Today's entry is definitely more serious. Gloria Strauss (the 11-year old daughter of one of my co-workers) died peacefully in her sleep this morning after a four year battle with cancer.

Some of you know a lot of the details of her journey with cancer over the past four years. If you don't (or want to know more) the Seattle Times has been following her story at Part 7 will pull up first, but all the links are there.

As you might imagine, it has a tremendous effect on us here at school, as we all have been praying for her and her family this entire time.

It was so very quiet in the halls this morning. Surreal.

Please pray for all of us as we go through this grieving process.

That's all I have for now.

Peace to all.

1 comment:

danedy said...

This sounds very hard. I'll say some prayers....