Monday, September 17, 2007

Adventures of Super B

Well, we just finished Spirit Week here at school, with an assortment of dress up days. Friday was super hero/ action figure day.

I didn't have anything immediate come to mind for how to dress up. However, I did have a purple cape with silver rick rack. (WHY I have a purple cape is another story . . .) So, I figured I should create my own super hero.

Enter Super B (referring to my last name) - Saving the world from illegal algebra, one equation at at time!

I made my own t-shirt, using the above quote, with an iron-on decal. Note in the picture the red correcting pen behind my ear.

I am such a nerd. And I warmly embrace it!


Suzanne said...

Yeah! I'm first! And so excited to welcome you to blogging! :)

nro said...

yeah! i'm second! welcome, super b! does carrying a red pen classify nerddom? they call me 'red pen girl' at work... are they calling me a nerd? why, i oughtaaa....

marla said...

Welcome to blogging! I can't wait to hear all about your marvelous adventures!!