Thursday, August 14, 2008

Kate, meet Saul

Jade, my best friend from high school, is another one of the women who was due within one month of when I was due with Kate. She, her husband Aaron, and new babe Saul came up for a visit.

Here, they are both asleep in their bouncy seats. Remarkably, their sleep - eat - play schedules were within 30 minutes of each other the entire time they were here.Other cutie-pie pictures.

Jade & Saul makeing faces at each other
One of the things I find amazing in talking with Jade (and Marla and Elizabeth) is just how many hours we can spend talking about new mother experiences. And how similar they are. It sure is fun to share this journey with them. I look forward to hearing Suzi's stories with new ears this November - and until then will continue to seek her motherhood wisdom.

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