Friday, August 21, 2009

Bedroom Re-Do

Doug decided we needed to re-do what was Kate's nursrey into a Seahawks themed room in anticipation of the boy we will be adopting. First, you can see two pictures of what it used to look like. This first wall shows a paint 'treatment' that we abandoned after one wall. Thank you to all who humored me by telling me you liked it. I thought it was near-to-awful, so I was not sad to see it go. Though the camera doesn't really capture it, the other 3 walls were green. And there was popcorn ceiling, which has been removed.

New room, with Seahawk colors. The only thing not showing in this picture are the Seahawk curtains that I'll be making sometime in the next year (ha ha). Take note of our skilled work with the chair and crown moulding!

The Spiderman poster that we inherited with the room still stays.

The shelves were originally going to be on the wall to the left, just next to the door. But because it is a pocket door, there are no studs to adhear the bracket to. So, a quick redesign moved them over to the right.


marla said...

The room looks great! Now just let's hope the kids likes Seahawks! :)

Suzanne said...

I'm glad Spidee got to stay!