Thursday, June 11, 2009

In the mail

(editor's note: I'm at work early posting this entry. All the pictures are at home. I swear I'll get some cute Kate pictures up within 24 hours. . .)

Yesterday we mailed off our "Adoption Questionaire" to Catholic Community Services. It was a one page form (mostly name & contact info) to start the adoption process that we have long been looking at.

Even before Kate was born, we were looking at what is known as the foster-to-adopt program. It's for children who are in the state foster system, but are eligible for adoption because their birth parents have had their rights terminated. We both feel called to giving a home to a child who needs one, and are looking forward to expanding our family this way!

I'm also thinking that it will be very intertesting to blog about this experience and process. To keep you updated and to keep a record of the journey.


Suzanne said...

How very exciting! I look forward to hearing about the entire process with you.

So my first question - Does Catholic Community Services work with the state foster program, or are those exclusive routes to adoption?

marla said...

That's great and so exciting!! I'm with Suzi, look forward to hearing all about it!!

Dad said...

There are times when a parent is especially proud. This is one of them.

Anne said...

Awesome! As you know, us Kramers are thinking about this process too, and GLADLY welcome you blazing the trail for us!