Thursday, March 12, 2009

Latte stands

There are any number of drive through latte stands in the couple of mile drive I take to get from work to day care each day. aAnd a high proportion of stands use sex to market themselves. As if caffeine itself isn't a draw.

First, you can be sure that these places will not earn one penny of my business.

There are 2 Bikini Huts, where the baristas freeze their tushies off as they serve up people's double-tall mochas.

But my current favorite is a third spot that has a reader board advertising the "Hotest" baristas. Okay, I recognize that I've misspelled "hotest". But the reason why this is so memorable is that they didn't space it very well on the board, so it looks more like "ho test". Or maybe the additional "t" fell down.

Either way, in this scenario, is having a ho test so far off?

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the giant morning laugh!