Sunday, December 21, 2008

I KNEW better

I have a few rules about the holiday season. First, let it be known that I live ridiculously close to a mall, with all the accompanying stores. Which makes traffic HORRIBLE during the time right before Christmas. So, rule #1 - don't go out to do any type of shopping between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Of course, we need groceries, so rule #2 - if you must go out, do it on a week day.

However, because of the weather, I broke both rules yesterday, and trekked out to Costco. It was the window between snow fronts. We needed kitty litter and toilet paper if we were going to be snowed in for a few days. Fearing a power outage, I didn't buy any perishables. (Though Suzi reminded me that since it's so freakin' cold, I could just put everything outside).

1st sign that it was going to be bad - traffic was backed up 2 lights just to get into the parking lot. That was a new one. I battle my way to a parking spot, walk across the compact-snow covered parking lot, get into the store, just to see the check out lines backed up to the clothing area.

Remarkably, I didn't ankle-bite anyone with my cart as I traversed the mayhem. Truly, the worst part of it was getting back to my car, wielding a cart that easily wielding a 200+ pound cart (remember, I was getting kitty litter. . . . .) The cart had a hard time keeping traction. And the wheels would get caught on the icy bumps. Fatigued arms and gasping for air, I arrived at the car hardly able to unload the cart. At least I kept the cart from sliding into other cars along the journey.

Fortunately, the freeway was very clear. That is, until the exit to get to our house, which was backed up onto the freeway itself. Those darn holiday shoppers.

Was it all worth it? I suppose so. It makes a good story, and I DID survive. And now bathroom needs for all living creatures in our house are taken care of for the foreseeable future.

1 comment:

marla said...

Jill, I went to Costco yesterday... I thought it was snowy enough to keep people away. Everyone had that same thought... VERY busy... AND NO SAMPLES!! What?!? That's the reason we go to Costco (and the formula and diapers that we needed.)