Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Day 2008

Last night was a big one for our household. We've been following Barack Obama since we saw him speak in Seattle 3 years ago. And while he was pretty amazing back then, the primary and general election process has really strengthened his message. Needless to say, we were very stoked that he was elected last night.

We colored in electoral maps as different states were declared for each candidate. "Tim Russert Memorial White-Boards" were used to calculate the chances a given candidate would win a state based on exit polls.
Kate wore her Baaaa-Rock Obama onsie.
Doug was glued to the lap-top and the TV, giving us updates on vote counts and percentages of precints reporting.

And when 8pm PST rolled around, and the West Coast states were called for Obama, clinching the title "President-elect", there was much cheering. There were tears, from being so moved by the hugeness of the moment. It was great to be able to share the moment with Terry, Anne, Anton, Claire, and Mary.

1 comment:

marla said...

What a great night... it will be one of those "where were you when..." moments. I was helping Lucas feed cereal to Owen, on the phone with Sara.