On Saturday, June 19, we took down Kate's crib and officially set her up in her Big Girl Bed. She picked out new sheets at Target. And was so excited to have the bed in it's new place, she didn't want to get off of it to have the sheets put on. So Daddy read a book to her for a while . . .

She's taken to night time sleeping pretty well. A couple of nights I've gone in to check on her, and she's asleep on the area rug (so cute!), but basically much better than I thought.
Nap time is another story. Because of the new found freedom, she HAS NOT NAPPED since moving to the Big Girl Bed. And while I thought I had cleared out every destructive element from the room, I was wrong. On the first Monday, Doug and I heard her playing in her room, making noise, and I figured the worst she could be doing is empting all the clothes out of her dresser.
Nope. Not even close. She monkied up her changing table and got a hold of the Bag Balm. (Think Vaseline, if you are not familiar). This is her 2nd unlawful use of the stuff, but because she had the big container, made MUCH MORE of a mess. Clothes, sheets, blankets, floor, doors. The most disturbing to me, though, was her hair. So. Much. In. Her. Hair. In the first 2 pictures, the shininess is from the Bag Balm, not from the water or the bubbles. I swear she had an adult-size handfull on her head.

1 bath, 2 shampoos, and an attempted fine-tooth comb later, I thought I'd try a different approach. Flour. You know, give the Balm something to cling to so that it will connect with the shampoo and get out of her hair. I probably put about 1 cup of flour in her hair, to give her the 18th century powdered wig look.

A word of caution, however. Wet flour-Bag Balm forms a bit of a paste. But I think it made for a much faster removal process, even if I was worried that we have to shave her head and make biscuits. After the 2nd bath, and 2 more shampoos, we were getting tired of baths. And shampoos. And she was presentable enough. . . . I guess. It only took a bath a day, and by Friday she was nearly as good as new.
Even in the moment it was pretty funny. But I had to put on my stern face, "Bag Balm in the hair is a No No. Only on skin." That and I think the shampoos were tortuous enough for her to not want to repeat the process.
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