Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Baby Names

Doug and I are still working on figure out baby names. We have a first name for a girl, and a middle name for a boy (and, no, we're not telling!).

I thought it'd be a fun exercise to have the last question on today's calculus test be "Optional: What should Mrs. Brouillard name her baby?" Below are the results from first period.

Girl: Maria, Sylvia, Sawyer, Kate, Olivia, Jordyn, Corey, Grace, Elizabeth (x2), Cecelia, Emma, Krista, Beth, Michelle, Rebecca, Kelsy, Isabelle Marie, Elizabeth Rose

Boy: Hayden, Carson, Easton, Eli, Cartaer, Gareth, Jeremy, Jesse, Jayce, Jay, Jonathan, Nathan, Sean, David, William, Roy, Jackson Taylor

One student wrote this essay. Since I am just this kind of girl, I have already picked out the names of my three kids: Christopher Adam, Nicholas Jason, Gabriella Isabel (In that order, if possible.) Feel free to use a combo of any of those and/ or these are other names I like in general:
Girls- Savannah, Sienna, Ashley, Angela, Theresa, Claire
Boys- Anthony, Preston, Sean, Zachary, Thomas, Andrew

Other student essay: Never let your child's name be confused with anyone else's! Uniqueness all the way. Boys - Alphonse, Theodore, Bruce, Hans. Girls - Betsy, Betty, Sylvia, Helen

My personal favorite of the day, though, was the following: Boy- Jezus, Girl - Hello Kitty.


Suzanne said...

Abigail would be thrilled with the Hello Kitty choice.

Anne said...

Ditto on the Hello Kitty Vote.
I remember some rather interesting responses when I did this exercise.
So... did you like any of the suggestions?

- Joanne O. said...

I liked Sawyer. . . don't know why. It is different, especially for a girl. Also Carson for a girl.

- Joanne O. said...

Isn't it hard to name your child when you're a teacher? You pick a name and all you can think of is that particular student with the same name that drives you nuts or has some quirk about him/her.

marla said...

What a great idea! and you got some great options! I love the girl that already has her 3 kids names picked out... if only we were those types of girls! Of course, then you'd marry a man who hated those names and you'd be truly disappointed... maybe even a deal breaker if you were really stuck on them!!