Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Nursery Prep, step 1

Sunday we began painting the baby's room - a nice Easter project. The title of this blog entry is actually a bit misleading. Last weekend we did a bit of drywall work to prep the walls. And the taping happened last weekend, too. I love taping. I'm good at it, and have real skills with it. From what I've heard from others, they hate taping for painting. I think I could make some good money off of my talent in this area. But I digress.

In the picture below, you can see many things. The bright medium blue and yellow wall color belongs to the old room. It's been edged with a primer coat, designed to cover dark colors. I've yet to be convinced that this will actually cut down on the number of coats of paint needed, so I'll be sure to update.

In this next picture, you can see the darker blue wall. That's part of the finished project. The other walls will be green. All the walls will end up with a glazed-paint accent. The goal is to be done with the whole project by this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Are the pink tutus and purple butterflies that Abigail & I are bringing to help decorate, going to match the blue or the green walls better?

Suzanne said...

Where is Spidee?

And for what it is worth, 1-I HATE taping, and 2-primer worked really well for going from white to red in one coat, even though I doubted.

Anne said...

You are SO hired for taping at any and all future Kramer family home projects... and looking at the state of things in our probably-future-home, you may be taping the whole house!!!