Thursday, March 20, 2008

Holy Week Tradition

One of my traditions during Holy Week is to listen to the "Godspell" soundtrack. Over and over. And to sing right along with all the parts. I find it a wonderful way to get into the groove of the week.

I absolutely love the play, have seen it many times (see list below), and one of my life-long dreams is to be in a production of it. Oh, how I love the "Godspell". The play, that is. The movie is pretty horrible!

Let's see how my memory is for play attendance:

Renton Civic Theater
Taproot Theater (with Jesus as a Hispanic pizza delivery person in NY)
Vancouver, WA
Yakima, WA
Pentacle Theater (I think?)
Renton Civic Theater (again, but possibly the worst production of them all - all the actors spoke WAY too fast. I had a hard time following, and I practically have the play memorized. This was my poor hubby's first exposure to the play, and I'm not sure I could talk him into going again.)


Anonymous said...

1st time I saw "Godspell" was in Vancouver with you, Jill.
Saw it twice at Pentacle here in Salem. Once with you, once as a Volunteer. Saw it again in Lake Oswego. So I guess that makes it 4 for me. Like you, I would travel miles to see it. What a great play!

Anne said...

I too am a fan and have seen it at least 3 times. And unfortunately I am the one to blame for inviting J&D to the latest production in Renton... though I think I caught a few more words than everyone else. But always glad to have a fellow Godspell fan in Jill!