Monday, December 3, 2007

I am a hazard

Last night I was driving to church, at about 6pm. It was dark and rainy. Just like in the Snoopy Chronicles.

(As a side note, it's been raining constantly and raining hard for 24 hours now. Unusual for Seattle. If I were still in Tillamook, I'd be expecting Lake Lucerne to be making an appearance and for school to be canceled due to flooding.)

So I'm cruising down I-5, and the car behind me flashes its brights at me. I ignore it at first, thinking the car had just gone over a bump, so it seemed like the brights were flashed. But, alas, it happened two more times. "WHY?", I wonder. My lights are on. And there isn't a murderer in my back seat, like in those urban legends.

Oh. Perhaps my tail lights are out, so it doesn't look like my lights are on. I check it out at church, and sure enough, no tail lights.

Which means I until I get them replaced, any time it's dark and I'm driving, I need to drive with my hazard lights on. It's very annoying. Now, no one knows when I'm using my turn indicator. And the clicking of the hazards don't match up with the beat of the music. And I feel compelled to drive in the slow lane, even though my car is functioning just fine otherwise.

I've mentioned to several people how both my tail lights are out, and so far two people said they noticed that I had one out, but forgot to tell me about it. There ought to be some sort of easy way for drivers behind you to let you know that a tail light is out. A special blinker they can use in their car. It could also be used when you leave your turn indicator on . . .

Later on today, I'm going to an auto supply store to get new bulbs. I'm going to install them while I have a break at work, because at least at work I have covered parking. (Did I mention how hard it's been raining?)

I realize, however, that there are several bulbs in the general tail light area, and I want to make sure I'm replacing the right ones. Not the brake lights or the turn indicators. So I was paying attention to other cars' tail lights as I was driving to work this morning. I thought it would be easy to find another car like mine on the road (same make and generally the same year), but it's more of a challenge than I thought. It quite interesting to see how many different designs there are for tail lights. Makes for a 'fun' little game during the commute.

Now I'm off to the land of light bulbs. Best rainy wishes to all!


Suzanne said...

Zachary would love to hunt for green cars with you, even if they aren't Jettas.

Anonymous said...

I saw on the news that Seattle has received 5 inches of rain! That's Wet!
Then they said the Wilson River(think Tillamook for you non-Tillamook readers) flood level is 16 ft and it's going to crest at 22 ft today! Oh, makes me wish we were all in Tillamook again and could be listening to Dad's county radio & go "flood watching"! Hwy 101 N & S are closed due to flooding. HWY 6 is closed from MP 2-27 due to debris & possible slides. Oh, the good ol' days!