I have 3 confessions to make to my friends and family across the blog-o-sphere.
1) I now listen to NPR. Yep, I'm a follower of the National Public Radio. Almost even pledged during their spring pledge drive. But I had only been listening for only about a week at that point, and I used that as an excuse for not sending money we didn't have to send in the first place. I swear to you, I won't be that person who says, "I heard on NPR that . . . ". But I do learn fascinating things, from titles of cool movies that I've added to the Netflix list, to good interviews on issues surrounding the Gulf Coast oil spill.
2) I love to tape. You need a room prepped for painting, I'm your taping girl. This week, a co-worker asked for people to come over and help tape at their new house. It was like a dream come true!!
3) We've taught Kate how to say, "Monkeybutt." When she sees a money in a book, that's what she says. And it's so cute. Mon-kee-butt. Very enunciated. I know my mother will shake her head at this. But it's so funny.
I will confess that NPR is programmed into both of our car radios... and we too have pledged, though I think the pledge came with a good "prize". Also, if you loved to paint too... I would hire ya! (for beer and pizza that is!)
You're right, I DID shake my head! But we used to make you cough for a bite of ice cream. We thought it was hilarious.(Where do parents come up with ideas like this?) But we only made you do it for one day. I don't think it had lasting effects.
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