Monday, September 1, 2008

Other weekend news

Our post-Seahawk game Labor Day weekend has been pretty low key. Storing up the energy for the start of school. As usual, I'm in complete denial about having to go to work tomorrow. And will continue to be so until the alarm goes off tomorrow morning.

However, there are a few things of note about the weekend.

1) I'm on a nectarine mission. Couldn't help but buy a flat of 11 nectarines at Costco on Saturday. And Doug doesn't like them, so I'm on my own. So far, six down, five to go.

2) My right triceps hurt. Yesterday was fan appreciation day at the Aquasox. Doug won a fan appreciation pack, sponsored by the Washington State Lottery. Got a hat and water bottle that we will never use. And 5 scratch tickets, netting us a profit of $2. Let's start Kate's college fund with that!

But that's not why my arm hurts. After the game, they were giving away a 1995 (yes 1995!) Chevy Blazer. And 12 other fabulous prizes. To win a prize, you had to pick up a plastic tent stake on your way to the warning track in the outfield. Then start digging, as the car keys and other prizes were buried in the dirt.

I tried my best, but cried "Uncle" after about 15 minutes. The dirt was very compact, and the stake is not the best instrument of digging. But the whole event just reminds me of why minor league baseball is great.

3) Wardrobe update. Okay, I'm not actually going clothes shopping, but I need to put maternity clothes away, and pull out the bin of 'normal' clothes so I'm ready for school. T-shirts and shorts can only get me so far . . .

4) Here's another picture of Kate. She's three months old today (but not in this picture), so when she's awake, I'll get that picture and put it up in another post.

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